Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in lschemic Diabetic Lower Extremity Ulcers: A Double-Blind Randomisedcontrolled Trial:

The authors conducted a study to evaluate the role of hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of ischemic lower-extremity ulcers in patients with peripheral arterial disease. In patients with diabetes mellitus, these ulcers are associated with high risk of limb-threatening complications. Diabetic patients were randomized to hyperbaric oxygen treatment (100%) (n = 9) or control (air) (n = 9) at 2.4 atmospheres of absolute pressure for 90 minutes daily (30 treatments). There were no adverse events related to the hyperbaric therapy. In the treatment group, complete healing was achieved in five of the eight ulcers at 6 weeks, compared with one out of eight in the control group. The authors concluded that hyperbaric oxygen enhanced the healing of ischemic, non-healing diabetic leg ulcers.