Sex, Scams, and Street Life: The Sociology of New York City's Times Square

Introduction Research and Times Square Methodological Notes For a Times Square Field Station by Bill Kornblum and Terry Williams Visual Ethnography by Steve Sifaneck and Robert P. McNamara The Social Landscape: Hustlers, Merchants and Peep Shows The Nature of Male Prostitution by Robert P. McNamara The Incense Merchant on Times Square: The Black Muslim Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Steve Duncombe, Steve Sifaneck, and Andras Szanto Dramaturgy and the Social Organization of Peep Shows by Robert P. McNamara The Changing Face of Times Square The Forty-Second Street Development Project by Shane Newmark The Times Square BID and its Role in Changing the Face of Times Square by Gretchen Dykstra The Midtown Community Court Experiment by Michelle Sviridoff and John Fineblatt Law Enforcement in Times Square 1970s-1990s by William Daly Taking it to the Streets: Outreaching to Youth in Times Square by Marie Bresnahan References Index