Using Multi-vendor IEDs for IEC 61850 Interoperability and HMI-SCADA Applications

The paper describes the IEC 61850 communication protocol based prototyping platform, and implements Generic Object Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) interoperability tests between multi-vendor Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs). In addition, the proposed platform also includes human machine interface(HMI) that monitors overall IEDs via Ethernet network. The proposed prototyping platform has been completed, it can really provide the IEC 61850-based Supervision Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and verify the current status of GOOSE message based on available IEDs. The obvious benefits foreseen by implementing the case studies are the IEDs will not be limited to original vendor for future expansion and monitoring a system through HMI-SCADA with IEC 61850 will be as easy as integrating a new IED into the system.