On the Odd Syntax of Domain Adverbs

Sentence-modifying Domain adverbs in English (e.g. politically and surgically) show several unusual syntactic features. They may occur to the left of inverted subject and auxiliary, rarely if ever appear between subject and main verb, and occur inside the VP, in positions otherwise reserved for verb-modifying adverbs. In keeping w.ith the general approach of lackendoff (1972) and Ernst (1984), this paper proposes that this be handled by means of I.\nrestricted base generation of adverbs, and an interpretation rule for sentential Domain adverbs which applies anywhere in the sentence, as opposed to the rule for other sentential adverbs which excluded adverbs under VP and to the left of inverted Aux and NP. This approach is shown to be preferable to more traditional, syntactic accounts in a number of ways.