Identification and appraisal of rural roads projects

This paper describes an operational approach to the identification and appraisal of projects consisting of rural roads and complementary investments. The objective for such projects is to prepare and implement a comprehensive, multi-sectoral development program on the basis of rural roads in their zones of influence. The methodology can, therefore, also be applied to rural development projects. The principal purpose of the identification process is to ascertain the development potential of a rural road's zone of influence. In many instances this may depend on the potential of one or two crops, which, therefore, should be examined with more care. The appraisal methodology determines the appropriate scope and timing for road improvements or construction, their maintenance needs, and the complementary investments in other sectors, without which (in most cases) the road improvements or construction would not be justified. In other words, the project attempts to achieve an optimal development package for each road's zone of influence. The linkages between agricultural and transport components are emphasized.