THE deep structure of a sentence, according to Chomsky1, includes (1) a specification of its fundamental grammatical relations, such as its “logical” subject and object; and (2) a series of transformational “footnotes” indicating the form taken by the actual sentence, for example, that it is passive. When a sentence is remembered verbatim, such “footnotes” seem to be separately and independently stored2, and to take up a detectable amount of space in short-term memory3. But they may be rapidly forgotten, as Sachs4 has shown; and this is likely in ordinary discourse, because utterances are not usually remembered verbatim.
H. Savin,et al.
Grammatical structure and the immediate recall of english sentences
Noam Chomsky,et al.
वाक्यविन्यास का सैद्धान्तिक पक्ष = Aspects of the theory of syntax
J. Sachs.
Recognition memory for syntactic and semantic aspects of connected discourse
A. Paivio,et al.
Concreteness and imagery in sentence meaning.
J. Mehler.
Some effects of grammatical transformations on the recall of english sentences
Emmon W. Bach,et al.
Universals in Linguistic Theory