Reconstruction of Façade Structures Using a Formal Grammar and RjMCMC

Today's processes to extract man-made objects from measurement data are quite traditional. Often, they are still point based, with the exception of a few systems which allow to automatically fit simple primitives to measurement data. At the same time, demands on the data are steadily growing. The need to be able to automatically transform object representations, for example, in order to generalize their geometry, enforces a structurally rich object description. Likewise, the trend towards more and more detailed representations requires to exploit structurally repetitive and symmetric patterns present in man-made objects, in order to make extraction cost-effective. In this paper, we address the extraction of building facades in terms of a structural description. As has been described previously by other authors, we use a formal grammar to derive a structural facade description in the form of a derivation tree. We use a process based on reversible jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (rjMCMC) to guide the application of derivation steps during the construction of the tree.