The theory of modular spaces was initiated by Nakano [14] in 1950 in connection with the theory of order spaces and rede8ned and generalized by Musielak and Orlicz [13] in 1959. De8ning a norm, particular Banach spaces of functions can be considered. Metric 8xed theory for these Banach spaces of functions has been widely studied (see, for instance, [15]). Another direction is based on considering an abstractly given functional which controls the growth of the functions. Even though a metric is not de8ned, many problems in 8xed point theory for nonexpansive mappings can be reformulated in modular spaces (see, for instance, [8] and references therein). In this paper, we study the existence of 8xed points for a more general class of mappings: uniformly Lipschitzian mappings. Fixed point theorems for this class of mappings in Banach spaces have been studied in [2,3] and in metric spaces in [11,12] (for further information about this subject, see [1, Chapter VIII] and references therein). The main tool in our approach is the coeAcient of normal structure Ñ(L ). We prove that under suitable conditions a k-uniformly Lipschitzian mapping has a 8xed point if k ¡ ( Ñ(L ))−1=2. In the last section we show a class of modular spaces where Ñ(L )¡ 1 and so, the above theorem can be successfully applied.
T. D. Benavides.
Fixed point theorems for uniformly Lipschitzian mappings and asymptotically regular mappings
Uniformly Lipschitzian mappings in metric spaces with uniform normal structure
J. Musielak,et al.
On modular spaces
E. Maluta,et al.
Fixed points of uniformly Lipschitzian mappings in spaces with uniformly normal structure
W. M. Kozlowski,et al.
Some Geometrical Properties and Fixed Point Theorems in Orlicz Spaces
A. Kamińska.
On uniform convexity of Orlicz spaces
D. Dulst,et al.
(KK)-properties, normal structure and fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in Orlicz sequence spaces
G. L. Acedo,et al.
Measures of Noncompactness in Metric Fixed Point Theory
Mohamed A. Khamsi,et al.
Modular function spaces
M. Khamsi,et al.
Asymptotically regular mappings in modular function spaces
H. Hudzik,et al.
On the convexity coefficient of Orlicz spaces