재실 리모델링 공사 시뮬레이션을 위한 프로파일링 도출 연구

The demands for occupied renovation works in Korean construction market are expected to increase due to the advantages. The advantage of occupied condition includes rent collected during the renovation, and retaining the customer in the leasing market. Also, the time-cost tradeoff between finishing renovation quickly and obtaining rental income from partially occupied building necessitates a optimal solution. To manage these solutions, the management of the building user is essential. The building users are required to move within the building space for the most efficient use of the building. Therefore, the movement of building user within the building seems inevitable, requiring detailed management. The constraints that the building user gives to the project can result in schedule delay, cost overrun, and loss of building users productivity, which also creates Trade-off between occupant satisfaction, budget, and schedule. The research provides the building owner the user movement scenarios during the renovations works that can maximize profit while finishing the project successfully. Using the DES simulation method, the building configuration changes resulting from the movement of tenants will be scheduled creating the optimal solution. The resulting output will be the list of scenarios the research suggests for the optimal decision on how to move tenants. The output scenarios can have a direct impact on project scheduling or time affecting the net profit.