Deprem etkisi altındaki simetrik ve asimetrik yapıların, lineer olmayan tepkilerine dolgu duvarlarının katkısı

Generally during the design procedure, the stiffness of infill wall is not taken into account. However, these walls have an initial stiffness which causes torsional and translational response even the structure is symmetric under earthquake effect. If the structure is asymmetric, these walls change torsional response of structures. In order to investigate this effect, different structural models are designed with and without infill walls. The nonlinear behavior of both infill walls and structure should be taken into account as nonlinear force-displacement relation. Six different earthquake records which have different characteristics are applied to both asymmetric and symmetric structures as earthquake excitations then the response of structures are calculated in time history domain. In order to prevent stability problems in time history domain, the time interval was changed from 0.02 sec to 0.005 sec by using linear interpolation functions. The basis of program which is used to calculate structural response characteristics is using State Space Method in order to calculate dynamic response characteristics of structures under earthquake motions. According to results, the effects of infill walls to the dynamic response characteristics of symmetric and asymmetric structures are interpreted. Keywords: Torsion, earthquake, irregularity, asymmetry, state space, bilinear, dynamic analysis.