Enhancing Health Services Management : the role of decision support systems

Part 1 Context and definition: the context of decision making in the NHS the nature of decision support systems. Part 2 Strategic service planning: spatial decision support systems for health care planning improving the balance of elderly care services activity and capacity planning in an acute hospital capital investment appraisal in the NHS. Part 3 Operational service planning and management: decision support in primary care the MaTS maternity staffing model a decision support system for planning continuity of midwifery services queue management - what has a DSS approach to offer to improve the running of outpatient clinics? decision support systems in neurosciences measurement and analysis of clinical activity. Part 4 Policy and organizational learning: a management flight simulator of community care decision support in objective setting, monitoring and review. Part 5 Future prospects for DSS: future prospects -issues, informatics and methodologies conclusions.