Modeling and verification of an excavator system - Axial Piston Pump; Kinematics and Load Sensing Flow Sharing Valve Block

This paper presents the results of a study focused on mathematical modeling of an excavator hydraulic system, composed by: the pump gray box model, the kinematics model and the valve white box model. The kinematics model has been realized using the planar mechanical library of AMESim and is composed by the front excavation tool: the arm, the boom and the bucket. The valve section white box model has been validate with the comparison between the numerical and experimental result obtained during the laboratory tests. The excavator is equipped by a full flow sharing valve, that is very useful in this kind of machinery when during a digging cycle all the valve sections are used at the same time. In this paper the excavator mathematical model system will be composed by the pump, the kinematics and two valve sections. The new system will be validated with the comparison between the experimental results, obtained with two sections working at the same time, and the numerical results provided by the simulation. The experimental results will be obtained in two different working conditions: standard operation condition and flow saturation condition. This will show the mathematical model capability in the study of the interaction between all the system components and could be useful in the study of alternative control strategies towards energy efficient systems and new control system designs.