The Effect of Information Technology Utilization and Employee Competence on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as the Intervening Variable in the Aceh Irrigation Service

Purpose:  This research examines the influence of the use of information technology and employee competence on employee performance, with job satisfaction as an principal adaptable at the Aceh Irrigation Service located in Jl. Ir. H. Mohd Thaher No. 18 Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh.    Theoretical framework:  A hypothesis is a tentative hypothesis that needs to be answered and aims to find information that must be collected and analyzed. This is an interim question or the most likely hypothesis that should still be verified.   Design/methodology/approach: The method chosen to analyze the data must be subject to the pattern of investigation and the variables studied. Testing models and hypotheses using structural equation modeling (SEM) from the statistical software package AMOS.In measurement models, researchers determine variables to measure constructs.     Findings:  The results indicate that Technology utilization and competence affected Employees' job satisfaction at the Aceh Irrigation Service.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  The systematic process used is the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Technology utilization, competency, and job satisfaction affect the performance of Aceh Irrigation Service employees. In this study, job satisfaction somewhat umpire the relationship among technology utilization and technology and influences the performance of Aceh Irrigation Service employees.   Originality/value:  The object of this study is civil servants at the Aceh Irrigation Service, and the samples are 138 employees at the Aceh Irrigation Service.