The Routledge Companion to Design Research

The Routledge Companion to Design Research offers a comprehensive examination of design research, celebrating the plurality of design research and the wide range of conceptual, methodological, technological and theoretical approaches evident in contemporary design research.

[1]  Ranulph Glanville A Ship without a Rudder , 1999 .

[2]  Wolfgang Jonas,et al.  Research through DESIGN through research: A cybernetic model of designing design foundations , 2007, Kybernetes.

[3]  Michael Gibbons,et al.  The Potential of Transdisciplinarity , 2001 .

[4]  M. Uprichard The nature of research. , 1959, The Canadian nurse.

[5]  W. Weaver Science and complexity. , 1948, American scientist.

[6]  M. Gibbons,et al.  Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty , 2003 .

[7]  Klaus Krippendorff,et al.  Redesigning Design; An Invitation to a Responsible Future , 1995 .

[8]  Claus Otto Scharmer,et al.  Universities As the Birthplace for the Entrepreneuring Human Being , 2000 .

[9]  Anthony Dunne,et al.  Design Noir: The Secret Life of Electronic Objects , 2001 .

[10]  Rosan Chow What Should be Done with the Different Versions of Research-Through-Design? , 2010 .

[11]  Alain Findeli,et al.  Research Through Design and Transdisciplinarity: A Tentative Contribution to the Methodology of Design Research , 2008 .

[12]  Erik Stolterman,et al.  The Design Way: Intentional Change in an Unpredictable World , 2002 .

[13]  Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer,et al.  The design way , 2005, Br. J. Educ. Technol..

[14]  Nigan Bayazit,et al.  Investigating Design: A Review of Forty Years of Design Research , 2004, Design Issues.

[15]  Rupert Riedl,et al.  Strukturen der Komplexität , 2000 .

[16]  H. Rheinberger Experimentalsysteme und epistemische Dinge : eine Geschichte der Proteinsynthese im Reagenzglas , 2006 .

[17]  Richard J. Boland,et al.  Managing as Designing , 2004 .

[18]  Reg Talbot Design: Science: Method , 1981 .

[19]  J. Dewey Logic, the theory of inquiry , 1938 .

[20]  N. Cross Design Research: a disciplined conversation , 1999 .

[21]  Alain Findeli,et al.  L'Eclipse De L'Objet Dans Les ThéOries Du Projet En Design , 2005 .

[22]  H. W. Rittel,et al.  Second-generation design methods , 1984 .

[23]  H. Maibom Social Systems , 2007 .

[24]  Uta M. Walter Schön, Donald A. (1983):: The Reflective Practitioner. How Professionals think in Action. New York: Basic Books , 2015 .

[25]  Carlo Vezzoli,et al.  Design for Environmental Sustainability , 2008 .

[26]  L. A. Hausman How we Think , 1921 .

[27]  J. Harris,et al.  Tackling Wicked Problems: Through the Transdisciplinary Imagination , 2010 .

[28]  John Dewey,et al.  Propositions, Warranted Assertibility, and Truth , 1941 .

[29]  Tim Brown,et al.  Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation , 2009 .

[30]  John Chris Jones,et al.  Design Methods: Seeds of Human Futures , 1981 .

[31]  W. Jonas Far Beyond Dualisms in Methodology-An Integrative Design Research Medium " MAPS " 1 , 2010 .

[32]  Bruce Archer,et al.  Design as a discipline , 1979 .

[33]  S. Toulmin Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of Modernity , 1990 .

[34]  Daniel Fallman,et al.  The Interaction Design Research Triangle of Design Practice, Design Studies, and Design Exploration , 2008, Design Issues.

[35]  Rolf Pfeifer,et al.  How the body shapes the way we think - a new view on intelligence , 2006 .

[36]  B. Latour We Have Never Been Modern , 1991 .

[37]  Jan Michl,et al.  On Seeing Design as Redesign: An Exploration of a Neglected Problem in Design Education , 2002 .

[38]  D. Kolb Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development , 1983 .

[39]  Charles L. Owen,et al.  Design research: building the knowledge base☆ , 1998 .

[40]  Ken Friedman,et al.  Theory construction in design research: criteria: approaches, and methods , 2003 .

[41]  N. Cross Designerly Ways of Knowing: Design Discipline Versus Design Science , 2001, Design Issues.

[42]  K. Farrell Tackling Wicked Problems Through the Transdisciplinary Imagination , 2011 .

[43]  R. J. Bogumil,et al.  The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action , 1985, Proceedings of the IEEE.

[44]  Wolfgang Jonas,et al.  Case Transfer: A Design Approach by Artifacts and Projection , 2010, Design Issues.

[45]  H. Maturana,et al.  The Tree of Knowledge: The Biological Roots of Human Understanding , 2007 .

[46]  B. Nicolescu Manifesto of Transdisciplinarity , 2002 .

[47]  Wolfgang Jonas Mind the gap! on knowing and not-knowing in design , 2005 .

[48]  A. Strauss,et al.  The discovery of grounded theory: strategies for qualitative research aldine de gruyter , 1968 .