Nano-imprint lithography (NIL) is expected as one of the candidates for hp32nm to hp22nm technology nodes. NIL needs 1X patterns on masks and a transit from 4X to 1X means a big and hard technology jump for the mask industry. We have reported in previous papers that the resolution limit with 50keV acceleration voltage VSB (variable shaped beam) electron beam writer, which are used in current 4X photomask manufacturing, was around 65nm. And we have also reported that to reach the required resolution for hp32nm node, the usage of a 100keV acceleration voltage spot beam writer would be inevitable. Recently, we have installed a 100keV spot beam EB writer adjacent to our photomask manufacturing line. In this paper, we will present our initial results with the tool. We have confirmed, after tuning of our process, a stable resolution capability compatible for hp32nm. With this process, we have begun sample template manufacturing, and initial imprint results are also presented. Templates with hp28nm dense line patterns were fabricated and were well imprinted.