Tracing nitrification and denitrification processes in a periodically flooded shallow sandy aquifer

The study defines the transfer mechanisms of nutrients and heavy metals from soil to groundwater operating in periodically water saturated soils. The study site is located in Lomellina (Po plain, Northern Italy), which is intensively cultivated with rice. Soils are dominantly constituted by sands, with acidic pH and low organic carbon content. The region generally displays low nitrate contamination in shallow groundwater, despite the intensive land use, while Fe and Mn often exceed drinking water limits. Monitoring performed through a yearly cycle closely followed the water table fluctuations in response to periodical flooding and drying of cultivated fields. pH, conductivity and Eh were measured in the field. Water samples were analysed for major ions, trace elements, nutrients and stable isotopes of DIN. Results evidence the seasonal migration of nutrients, the redox and associated metal cycling, and allow defining nitrification and denitrification processes.