Enhance the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network using the Concept of Local and Global Query

Wireless Sensor Networks consists of large number of sensor nodes. The sensor nodes are basically the battery powered devices. These devices are used to communicate with each other. The devices use the wireless medium to communicate. The sensor nodes are consumed the energy during the each data transmission. In our work the main aim of the WSN is to reduce the power consumption of sensor nodes. For this purpose caching is used, by the use of caching the power consumption in the WSN will be minimized. in the caching technique, sink is located inside the sensing region. It is used to send the queries to sensor nodes. The sensor nodes collect the data about various queries and send back to sink. To make data access faster it utilizes the benefits of caching because in WSN sensor nodes consume less power during processing as compare to data transmission. This paper is based on caching, it present global cluster cooperation schema for wireless sensor networks. Caching can reduce overall network traffic and energy consumption in WSN. In this paper uni casting technique is used because sink node stores the location of cache node and direct link is established between sink and cache node. Hence it improves the lifetime of sensor node’s batteries.