건강 지향적 여건 조성을 위한 건강영향평가

This paper intends to briefly review the concept of health impact assessment (HIA) and to introduce a case of HIA for a campus plan of Seoul National University. HIA is structured practice that uses available evidences to assess the prospective health impacts of projects, plans, programs, and policies. The process of HIA involves identification of health and health determinants, engagement with decision makers, affected stakeholders and application to policy making for more beneficial effect on health. In the pursuit of health and wellness in communities, it has been suggested that universities need HIA in developing campus policies. Potential campus-specific health measures such as grade point average and number of campus leaders’ meetings can be considered in performing HIA for a campus plan. This framework of campus HIA was applied to HIA for the campus plan to improve walking environment of Seoul National University. The identified health impacts of the plan included increased campus members who are doing recommended amount of physical activities, student satisfaction, risk of vehicle-related accident and secondhand smoke, and public transportation-related stress. To maximize the health benefits and minimize harm of the plan, several recommendations and alternatives were made. To implement HIA for campus policies, development of baseline health-related data, efforts to ensure stakeholder participation and engagement, and integration of HIA to the formal policy making process in campus would be necessary.