중등 교사와 학생의 환경 교육 교재에 대한 의견 분석

This study was designed to make valuable suggestions for the development of environmental education(EE) teaching materials through teachers' and students' opinions. In the summer of 2005, an opinionnaire was sent to 1,749 secondary school EE teachers and 270 teachers of them answered. One hundred and six middle school students and 196 high school students in Kyunggi area were also participated in this survey. The opinionnaire in this study was based on the six standards, fairness and accuracy, depth, emphasis on skill building, action orientation, instructional soundness, and usability, developed by NAAEE(1998). Most teachers were totally dependent on textbooks in their teaching EE. They evaluated current EE textbooks most positively in the perspective of 'fairness and accuracy', whereas they evaluated them most negatively in the perspective of 'usability'. The problems of EE textbooks were differently recognized by teachers and students. The lack of contents stimulating students' interest was considered as the most serious problem of EE textbooks by students. Simultaneously, it was considered as the least serious problem of EE textbooks by teachers. Both EE teachers and students expect the future EE textbooks would consist of proper contents to reflect EE characteristics.