OHS 4.0 Approach and Use Case of Indoor Positioning Systems

In the world of Industry 4.0 digital era ecosystem, there is a tendency to improve and evolve the theoretical and practical applications of Occupational Health and Safety to meet the new standards, and requirements. The technological advances improve the hardware and software developments to improve the OHS issues with new dimensions like IIoT, industrial big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, sensor fusion and autonomous agents.Among those various cyber-physical system components, technological improvements and challenges trigger new standards and approaches for occupational health and safety issues, directly related to human life and health. The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) 4.0 is a new approach that aims to proactively, and preventively protect employees’ health and safety in the workplace, environment, environment, and equipment with the individual/team; by using the relevant components of Industry 4.0 concepts. This will also lead to the digital transformation of the OHS 4.0 procedures and approaches.In this article, the Indoor Positioning System (IPS) applications and technologies such as indoor tracking, asset monitoring systems and the wireless communication infrastructures have analyzed, and compared according to their usability for OHS 4.0. A road map has developed and explained for implementing these systems and a comparison matrix with the OHS processes.