Fixed and Fuzzy Boundaries in Higher Education. A comparative study of (binary) structures in nine countries

Since the establishment of 'alternative' sectors in higher education (polytechnics, hogescholen, Fachhochschulen, etc.) in the 1960s, much has changed in the environment of higher education system. Yet, the fact that in the 1990s binary systems still emerged or are discussed indicates that there still is faith in the benefits of these alternative sectors. The Dutch Advisory Council for Science and Technology Policy (AWT) and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science commissioned CHEPS to map the situation and recent developments regarding the boundaries between sectors in a number of Western European countries (the Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Flanders, Germany, Sweden and the UK). The sectors within the higher education systems were compared regarding the entry routes, the course duration, intermediate qualifications, legislative regimes, quality assurance, etc. The analysis pointed out that the countries could be divided in four groups, ranging from higher education systems with extremely clear dividing lines to systems where boundaries have become relatively vague.