Design ofHarmonicFilter andAntennaSwitch forTwo-wayMobileRadio
Thedesign ofaharmonic filter andanantenna switch foratwo-way mobile radio system isreported here. Theharmonic filter isafilter that makessure that thehigher orderharmonics fromthepoweramplifier stageare sufficiently attenuated sothetransmitted signal isaspureas possible. Thenanantenna switch mustswitch between transmitter andreceiver inahalf-duplex radio. Inthis work, thedesign ofaharmonic filter andanantenna switch that meettheTIAspecifications isreported. TheADS based design hasbeenprototyped andtested. Someoptimization hasbeenperformed toimprove theradio performance. ~ ~~~~ }. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 111 i1 *Ifflii
[1] George Kennedy. Electronic Communication Systems , 1970 .