Modeling Expansive Soil Movements Beneath Structures

This paper describes the use of an existing numerical model which is capable of generating continuous records over time of 3D soil suction profiles beneath a structure. The model uses recorded climatic data and representative soil properties. The model was used to obtain data required for the simulation of ground movements and the resulting structural response in a separate soil/structure interaction model (the results of the subsequent soil/structure interaction simulations are not reported). The factors influencing the soil moisture distribution beneath a structure were identified and careful consideration was given to quantifying the variability in these factors. The model explicitly captures the long-term moisture redistribution occurring beneath a structure as a result of introducing a ground cover. It also captures the effect of different construction dates on soil moisture conditions. If a range of construction dates are selected at random and 3D simulations over appropriate time periods are conducted, the variability in ground movements due to seasonal and long-term climatic effects and due to the choice of construction date can be quantified.