Local Penicillin in Purulent Pericarditis
23 pints of blood and 1 pints of plasma, given over a period of 6 days. One is tempted to ask if this is a record for the amount of blood given over such a short period. The anaesthetic used was pentothal 0.5 g., N2O, and oxygen, with an absorber. The patient's condition 10 weeks after operation can be regarded as satisfactory. In the first two operations both Groups A (II) and 0 (IV) were used in about the proportion of 2 to 1, while in the last operation A only was given. The patient's blood picture at the present time shows the following: R.B.C., 4,200,000; Hb, 71% (Sahli); W.B.C., 6,800 (polymorphs 59%, lymphocytes 28%, monocytes 12%, eosinophils 1%).