Engineering Adaptive Embedded Software: Managing Complexity and Evolution

Software plays an increasingly important role in the development of electronic systems. In particular, software is used to control the behaviour of systems in advanced ways that enable system features that would not be feasible otherwise. Making such an embedded system adaptive can improve its performance in certain situations, or extend its applicability to a broader range of situations. In this chapter we explain why this is the case, and how adaptivity can provide a competitive advantage. However, realising and maintaining adaptive embedded software brings its own challenges, sometimes even so prohibitive that the benefits of adaptivity are given up. We explain how adaptivity compromises the ability to manage software complexity and the ability to maintain evolving embedded software. To improve on this, we present our approach of a systematic method towards the development of adaptive embedded software. Two case studies explain two concrete applications of this approach: The first application is a method and corresponding tool set for developing flexible (adaptive) schedulers. It is shown how to use this method to develop application-specific schedulers in a modular way, exploiting a domain-specific language for concisely describing schedulers. We demonstrate that evolving requirements can be handled conveniently. The second application is a method that supports the development of Multi-Objective Optimisations, especially for physical control problems. We discuss the software engineering challenges involved in developing such systems, and explain the various steps and domain-specific languages of the method. Then we illustrate how this method was applied to an industrial case.

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