ABS TRACT A 5-year-old boy presented with a 4-year history of recurrent rhinitis during winter seasons. Although the serum total IgE level was high, no atopy was detected to common regional allergens by skin prick tests. Patient’s house was infested with larva and adult forms of a carpet beetle. The insect was identified as Anthrenus verbasci. Skin test with A. verbasci was planned but the parents did not consent for intradermal injection. Eradication of the beetle from the patient's house was followed by complete clinical improvement. Patients presenting to the pediatric allergy department were injected with the extract of the beetle and one patient tested positive out of 19; this most likely supports our opinion of defining A. verbasci as a new allergen. In conclusion, seasonal infestation of houses with A.verbasci might have given rise to a new source of indoor allergens in the Black Sea Region of Turkey and in similar geographical areas as well.