Fostering interpretability of data mining models through data perturbation

Abstract With the widespread adoption of data mining models to solve real-world problems, the scientific community is facing the need of increasing their interpretability and comprehensibility. This is especially relevant in the case of black box models, in which inputs and outputs are usually connected by highly complex and nonlinear functions; in applications requiring an interaction between the user and the model; and when the machine’s solution disagrees with the human experience. In this contribution we present a new methodology that allows to simplify the process of understanding the rules behind a classification model, even in the case of black box ones. It is based on the perturbation of the features describing one instance, and on finding the minimal variation required to change the forecasted class. It thus yields simplified rules describing under which circumstances would the solution have been different, and allows to compare these with the human expectation. We show how such methodology is well defined, model-agnostic, easy to implement and modular; and demonstrate its usefulness with several synthetic and real-world data sets.

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