Measurement system analysis

Semiconductor manufacturers are constantly challenged by increased demand in quality and product customization at lower cost and faster turn around time. Manufacturing engineers need a systematic, fast and reliable methodology to make decisions to ensure that the Measurement System (MS) is in excellent condition. The Measurement System Analysis (MSA) consists of established statistical tools deployed to ensure that the measurement setups are within an acceptable condition to meet manufacturing capabilities and customer requirements. These tools (Linearity, Stability, Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (GRR) and Delta Correlation (deltaCor)) were successfully implemented into the MS in Texas Instruments Malaysia (TIM). It also increases TIM's confidence with the MS and customers satisfaction with the quality of parts received. These tools are in compliance with ISO9001 and TS16949 Automotive Standards. Implementation of these tools have dramatically improved first pass yields, detect and fix ATE abnormalities, and speed up setup time [Tilden, 2003].