Communication Routes in and around Epicnemidian Locris
This chapter discusses the communication routes in and around Epicnemidian Locris. The documentary base of the work lies in four main repertoires: 1) the handling of regional cartography, 2) the accounts of nineteenth century travellers who crossed the region using traditional routes, 3) local histories and geographical guides and, primarily, 4) the scientific output related in one way or another with the topography and history of the territories of central Greece in Antiquity. To end this introduction, before going on to study the roads and passes of Epicnemidia, the principal terms used to describe roads in the classical Greek texts are referred. Depending on their size and type, two main categories of roads can be distinguished: the highways or main roads on one hand and, much more abundant, the minor roads or paths on the other. Keywords: communication routes; Epicnemidian Locris