Development of a Pressure Transducer Calibration System (Dynamic Pressure Response Caliber). Phase 2

Abstract : Current dynamic pressure calibrators are restricted in ultimate peak pressure, bandwidth, and accuracy; in fact, static calibrations are commonly performed for dynamic transducers. A dynamic transducer calibration system has been developed for the bandwidth of 2 to 2,500 Hz. Controlled pressure can be provided, in sine or random format, for a standard transducer and a test transducer. For the frequency bands of 2 to 150 Hz and 1,600 to 2,400 Hz, acoustic pressure levels up to 1.0 psi RMS can be attained. The development of this system demonstrated the application to acoustic-mechanical systems of a hybrid technique known as admittance modeling. (This technique combines experimentally derived test data with finite element model results.) The system can be used with a variety of dynamics transducers.