Geometric Modeling for Product Realization, Selected and Expanded Papers from the IFIP TC5/WG5.2 Working Conference on Geometric Modeling, Rensselaerville, NY, USA, 27 September - 1 October 1992

Part 1 Geometry: curves with monotone curvature from Bezier curves of specified arc length, J.A. Roulier rational B-spline approximation of multiconic surfaces, D. Hoitsma and M. Lee integrating bounding boxes, lines of support and shadowing for intersection detection in the plane, T.J. Peters and V. Toscano. Part 2 Shape modelling: case studies in the blending of solid shapes using irregular patch topology, M.J. Pratt and S.M. Whayeb unary shape operations, J. Heisserman and R. Woodbury geometric modelling for shape and topology optimization, A.V. Kumar and D.C. Gossard probabilistic solid modelling - a new approach for handling uncertain shapes, Y. Yamaguchi et al assembly modelling on the basis of a mechanical design prototype, J.K. Gui and M. Mantyla. Part 3 Feature based modelling: Erep - an editable, high-level representation for geometric design and analysis, C.M. Hoffmann and R. Juan automatic mesh reconstruction for feature-based sculpting of deformable surfaces, K. Shimada et al form feature recognition by spatial decomposition and composition, H. Sakurai and C.W. Chin a systematic approach for design-manufacturing feature mapping, J.J. Shah et al. Part 4 Applications: a computer-aided broadcloth composite layout design system, M. Aono et al non-isoparametric three axis NC tool path generation for finish machining of sculptured surfaces, S.X. Li and R.B. Jerard. Part 5 Data interfaces: a view of step, P.R. Wilson a topology-based approach for shell-closure, J.H. Bohn and M.J. Wozny a note on curve equality, P.R. Wilson.