Results of linear-bifurcation buckling and nonlinear analyses of the Space Shuttle superlightweight external liquid-oxygen tank are presented for an important prelaunch loading condition. These results show the effects of actual, measured welding-induced initial geometric imperfections on an important response mode for thin-walled shellsthataresubjectedtocombinedmechanicalandthermalloads.Thistypeofinitialgeometricimperfectionmay be encountered in the design of other liquid-fuel launch vehicles. Results are presented that show that the liquidoxygen tank will buckle in the barrel section, but at load levels nearly four times the magnitude of the operational load level, and will exhibit stable postbuckling behavior. The actual measured imperfections are located in this sectionofthetank. Resultsofimperfection sensitivity analysesarepresented thatshowthat thelargestdegradation in the apparent membrane stiffnesses of the liquid-oxygen tank barrel section is caused by an imperfection shape that is in the form of the linear-bifurcation buckling mode with a relatively small amplitude. These results also show that the effect of the relatively large-amplitude measured imperfection is benign.
Johann Arbocz,et al.
Koiter's stability theory in a computeraided engineering (CAE) environment
Charles C. Rankin,et al.
Modeling and Nonlinear Structural Analysis of a Large-Scale Launch Vehicle
James H. Starnes,et al.
Nonlinear Analysis of the Space Shuttle Super-Lightweight External Fuel Tank
J. Williams,et al.
Imperfection Surveys on a 10-ft-Diameter Shell Structure
James H. Starnes,et al.
Nonlinear Behavior of Space Shuttle Superlightweight Liquid-Oxygen Tank Under Prelaunch Loads