Let G be a group and let Y,(G) be the set of nontrivial p-subgroups of G ordered by inclusion, where p is a prime. To the poset (= partially ordered set) YD(G) one can associate a simplicial complex 1 9JG)l in a well-known way. This simplicial complex appears in the work of Brown [2, 31 on Euler characteristics and cohomology for discrete groups. One of his results is an interesting variant of the Sylow theorem on the number of Sylow groups; it asserts that for G finite the Euler characteristic of 1 YD(G)I is congruent to 1 modulo the order of a Sylow p-subgroup. Our aim in this paper is to investigate various homotopy invariants of the simplicial complex ] YJG)l, such as its homology, connectivity, etc. We now review the contents of the paper. In Section 1 we review properties of the functor X ++ 1 X 1. Throughout the paper we use this functor to assign topological concepts to posets. For example, we call two posets homotopy equivalent when the associated simplicial complexes are. In Section 2 we first show that Y@(G) is homotopy equivalent to the poset z$(G) consisting of elementary abelian p-groups (called p-tori for short). Hence the remainder of the paper is mostly concerned with the smaller poset dJG). We show &‘,(Gr x G,) is h omotopy equivalent to the join of .z$(G1) and &JGa). We prove that dV(G) is contractible when G has a nontrivial normal p-subgroup, and state a conjecture to the effect that the converse holds when G is finite. The conjecture is proved for solvable groups in Section 12; the proof served as motivation for most of the second half of the paper. In Section 3 we show for a finite Chevalley group that -0lJG) has the homotopy type of the Tits building associated to G, and hence it has the homotopy type of a bouquet of spheres. Section 4 contains a proof of the aforementioned result of Brown. The next two sections relate the connected components of &(G) to topics in finite group theory, e.g., in Section 6, Puig’s analysis [S] of the Alperin fusion theorem is described.
Jonathan L. Alperin,et al.
Sylow intersections and fusion
Euler characteristics of groups: Thep-fractional part
D. Quillen,et al.
Higher algebraic K-theory: I
R. Stanley.
Cohen-Macaulay Complexes
G. A. Reisner,et al.
Cohen-Macaulay quotients of polynomial rings
G. Lusztig.
Divisibility of Projective Modules of Finite Chevalley Groups by the Steinberg Module
Graeme Segal,et al.
Classifying spaces and spectral sequences
K. S. Brown.
High dimensional cohomology of discrete groups.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
J. Tits,et al.
On buildings and their applications