Detection of Pulsation in Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms by ECG-Gated 3D-CT Angiography (4D-CTA) with 320-Row Area Detector CT (ADCT) and Follow-up Evaluation Results: Assessment Based on Heart Rate at the Time of Scanning
K. Katada | K. Murayama | A. Sadato | N. Hattori | K. Ito | Teppei Tanaka | Natsuki Hattori | K. Adachi | M. Hayakawa | Keisuke Ito | K. Adachi | Y. Hirose | Yoko Kato | T. Omi | M. Oheda | Y. Kato | T. Tanaka | Kazuhiro Katada | Yuichi Hirose | Motoharu Hayakawa | Motoki Oheda | Kazuhiro Murayama