Proof of Concept of an Advanced Sun Photometer for Planetary Applications

Background Dust is a major driver of the radiative balance and dynamics of the Martian atmosphere at every spatial scale (Smith, 2008) Dust aerosols found between 0-30 km, τvis~ 0.4, aphelion season (Clancy et al.,2007) Water ice aerosols found between 15-45 km, τvis~ 0.2, aphelion season (Clancy et al.,2007) CO2 and/or water ice aerosols found in a distinct layer between 60-100 km equatorial regions, τvis~ 0.01, aphelion season (Clancy et al., 2007, Montmessin et al., 2006, 2007) Dust dominates the UV/VIS extinction Determining the characterization and distribution of Martian aerosols is essential to Data Products Aerosol optical depth (AOD) as a function of wavelength Ice haze/cloud optical depth Gas phase columnar abundance (H2O and/or O3) Direct solar downwelling flux Hemispherical downwelling flux Aerosol size distribution (reff and veff)