Passive RFID tag Detection Based on Threshold

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) communication system have the capability of eliminating the manual inspection of an object by automatic identification. It is significantly smarter than the bar code because it consists of wireless sensor based identification method. In the RFID communication, lack of information exchange between RFID reader and tags causes signal interference, reduce the reliability and efficiency of the RFID system which results in misreading and unsuccessful reading of RFID tags. In this paper, we propose an effective signal decision algorithm based on the signal-to-interference and noise ratio (SINR) to secure the transferred data reliability. Those tag which possess greater SINR value compared to minimum threshold are activated and are allowed to transferred their main data whereas, tag with less SINR value compared to minimum threshold are not allowed to transferred their main data. We compared our SINR threshold value with data reliability rates at 95%, 97%, and 99%.