Transborder data flow: Implications for information dissemination and policies between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Sponsored by SIG IFP, III

The convergence of computing and networking has affected the ways in which people live, work and learn; the way institutions operate; and raised new issues and challenges for governments. National and global initiatives have been implemented to address the blurring of boundaries -geographical and political-caused by electronic data transfer over these global networks. The flow of electronic data and digital content across jurisdictional lines calls for novel -or updated- laws and regulatory solutions (e.g., data protection, privacy, content regulation, etc.). This panel offers a comparative analysis of national laws and policies regulating the transport of data across national boundaries, with a special focus on the implications for information dissemination and access. A series of panelists from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives will explore these issues and describe how these are framed and debated in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The discussion should both inform and entice the audience to reflect on and pursue these timely problems.