Range ambiguity effects in Barker-coded multipulse experiments with incoherent scatter radars

Abstract A Barker-coded multipulse is the best of the classical modulations when high spatial resolution is needed in incoherent scatter measurements. Unfortunately, this type of modulation generates range ambiguities which reduce the quality of data. In this paper, range ambiguity functions for an EISCAT experiment, ESLA-T4, are displayed. A method of eliminating the ambiguities in data analysis is developed and its applicability is demonstrated. It is found that the method can remove the effects of the range ambiguities in the lower part of the E-region, but above 120 km altitude the correction is not sufficient. The residual of the fit is reduced by an order of magnitude. The changes in the temperatures are a few Kelvin at the lowest altitudes and a few tens of Kelvin between 110 and 120 km.