A Dynamic Framework to Enhance Quality of Service for Multimedia Real Time Transmission in Content Delivery Networks

Nowadays Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) have projected to increase the bandwidth, improve ease of access and maintain accuracy through replication. CDNs distributed the content to the nearest cache servers which are located nearest to the users, ensuing in fast, reliable applications of the users. The proposed framework focuses that to enable the quality of service analysis of web service methods for real time service provisioning (RTSP). The proposed model calculated the quality of service with the Non-functional properties of the various services. It is based on the respond to the client requirements under various constraints and to satisfy the client request. The proposed model contains the grading system to the services and ranking system to make the functionally – equivalent services. It is able to evaluate the quality of service of a service using an evaluation method that is independent of the context. The framework involves calculating the quality items with an aggregation of the non functional properties values of the service