One of the most common problems in using of adaptive filters is their behavior in condition of application of a high amplitude and short time pulses at the filters' input. The ALMS mean filter is an OSLMS filter, featured by a good convergence of their coefficients into optimal values, but a low stability of the prediction coefficients. Another OSLMS filter is the MLMS mean filter, featured by greater prediction coefficients stability, but a lower coefficients convergence to the optimal values.
This paper studie the properties of three algorithms (gradient algorithm, SHARF algorithm and Steiglitz-Mc Bride algorithm), used to compute the IIR filters coefficients. It was studied three kind of IIR filters (IIR, Average-IIR and Median-IIR) implemented in direct form and in lattice form.
José A. R. Fonollosa,et al.
Simplified gradient calculation in adaptive IIR lattice filters
IEEE Trans. Signal Process..
Milos Doroslovacki,et al.
Cascade lattice IIR adaptive filters
IEEE Trans. Signal Process..
Peter M. Clarkson,et al.
A class of order statistic LMS algorithms
IEEE Trans. Signal Process..
Phillip A. Regalia,et al.
Stable and efficient lattice algorithms for adaptive IIR filtering
IEEE Trans. Signal Process..
J. S. Gibson,et al.
A New Unwindowed Lattice Filter for RLS Estimation
1991 American Control Conference.