Media was everything about something that could be used to deliver a massage from sender to
receiver, so that it can stimulate mindset, treatment, feeling and the student interest that make the learning
process was happened. It can influence the aim of learning that will be achieved. Based on observation, the
researcher found that lack of innovative of instructional media, so that teacher had not found the way to teach
about material beside with lecture method and notes. These phenomena can bring negative effect for student,
so that the student must reply the material, and spend all time which should be used to discuss about next
material that be able to improve student’s knowledge. It makes students do not active in the learning process.
This research aimed at develop interactive instructional media on Electrical Circuits at Grade X of Electrical
Engineering. The model in this research was 4D (four-D) model that was developed by S. Thiagarajan et al.
There were four steps: define, design, develop, disseminate. Validity was used with instrument of validity that
had been validated. The result was obtained from this research are follows: (1) The validity of interactive
learning media that was expressed valid for the validation of the content with total value were 0,89 and 0,91
with category of valid was very high, and value of validation of the design were 0,90 and 0,88 with category
of valid was very high. So that, it was concluded that interactive instructional media for Electrical Circuits
was valid to be used as a learning media.