Colloquium: Statistical mechanics of money, wealth, and income

This Colloquium reviews statistical models for money, wealth, and income distributions developed in the econophysics literature since the late 1990s. By analogy with the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution of energy in physics, it is shown that the probability distribution of money is exponential for certain classes of models with interacting economic agents. Alternative scenarios are also reviewed. Data analysis of the empirical distributions of wealth and income reveals a two-class distribution. The majority of the population belongs to the lower class, characterized by the exponential ("thermal") distribution, whereas a small fraction of the population in the upper class is characterized by the power-law ("superthermal") distribution. The lower part is very stable, stationary in time, whereas the upper part is highly dynamical and out of equilibrium.

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[59]  Victor M. Yakovenko,et al.  Exponential and power-law probability distributions of wealth and income in the United Kingdom and the United States , 2001, cond-mat/0103544.

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[69]  Victor M. Yakovenko,et al.  Statistical Mechanics of Money, Income, and Wealth: A Short Survey , 2002 .

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[84]  Moshe Levy,et al.  Investment Talent and the Pareto Wealth Distribution: Theoretical and Experimental Analysis , 2003, Review of Economics and Statistics.

[85]  Yoshi Fujiwara,et al.  Growth and fluctuations of personal and company's income , 2003 .

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[87]  Jean-Philippe Bouchaud,et al.  Self Referential Behaviour, Overreaction and Conventions in Financial Markets , 2003 .

[88]  David Reguera,et al.  Entropic basis of the Pareto law , 2004 .

[89]  Juan C. Ferrero,et al.  The statistical distribution of money and the rate of money transference , 2004 .

[90]  Victor M. Yakovenko,et al.  Exponential distribution of financial returns at mesoscopic time lags: a new stylized fact , 2004 .

[91]  D. Stauffer Introduction to statistical physics outside physics , 2003, cond-mat/0310037.

[92]  Bruce J. West,et al.  An out-of-equilibrium model of the distributions of wealth , 2004, cond-mat/0403045.

[93]  Serge Galam,et al.  Sociophysics: a personal testimony , 2004, physics/0403122.

[94]  Kimmo Kaski,et al.  Statistical model with a standard Gamma distribution. , 2004, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

[95]  Bikas K. Chakrabarti,et al.  Pareto Law in a Kinetic Model of Market with Random Saving Propensity , 2004 .

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[103]  Boltzmann-Gibbs Distribution of Fortune and Broken Time-Reversible Symmetry in Econodynamics , 2005, physics/0506103.

[104]  Ning Xi,et al.  How required reserve ratio affects distribution and velocity of money , 2005 .

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[106]  Thomas Lux,et al.  Emergent Statistical Wealth Distributions in Simple Monetary Exchange Models: A Critical Review , 2005, ArXiv.

[107]  J. Angle The Inequality Process as a wealth maximizing process , 2005 .

[108]  Arnab Chatterjee,et al.  Master equation for a kinetic model of a trading market and its analytic solution. , 2005, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

[109]  Arnab Das,et al.  An analytic treatment of the Gibbs–Pareto behavior in wealth distribution , 2005 .

[110]  José J. Ramasco,et al.  A family-network model for wealth distribution in societies , 2005 .

[111]  Ian Wright,et al.  The Social Architecture of Capitalism , 2004, cond-mat/0401053.

[112]  Temporal evolution of the "thermal" and "superthermal" income classes in the USA during 1983-2001 , 2005, cond-mat/0406385.

[113]  M. Milakovic Do We All Face the Same Constraints , 2005 .

[114]  K. Kaski,et al.  Kinetic Theory Models for the Distribution of Wealth: Power Law from Overlap of Exponentials , 2005, physics/0504153.

[115]  F. Nielsen,et al.  Income Inequality in the United States , 2005 .

[116]  Geoff Willis,et al.  Lagrange Principle of Wealth Distribution , 2005 .

[117]  Wataru Souma,et al.  Empirical study and model of personal income , 2005 .

[118]  V. Plerou,et al.  Institutional Investors and Stock Market Volatility , 2005 .

[119]  Bikas K. Chakrabarti,et al.  Econophys-Kolkata: A Short Story , 2005 .

[120]  Econophysics of Wealth Distribution: A Comment , 2005 .

[121]  J. Ferrero The Monomodal, Polymodal, Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Distribution of Money , 2005 .

[122]  Mauro Gallegati,et al.  Power law tails in the Italian personal income distribution , 2004, cond-mat/0408067.

[123]  Lorenzo Pareschi,et al.  On a Kinetic Model for a Simple Market Economy , 2004, math/0412429.

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[125]  Mauro Gallegati,et al.  Pareto's Law of Income Distribution: Evidence for Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States , 2005 .

[126]  Bikas K. Chakrabarti,et al.  Econophysics of Wealth Distributions , 2005 .

[127]  Martin Shubik,et al.  Is Economics the Next Physical Science , 2005, physics/0506086.

[128]  Z. Neda,et al.  Wealth distribution and Pareto's law in the Hungarian medieval society , 2005 .

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[130]  F. Clementia,et al.  The power-law tail exponent of income distributions , 2006 .

[131]  P. Richmond,et al.  Comments on recent studies of the dynamics and distribution of money , 2006 .

[132]  Comments on "Worrying Trends in Econophysics": Income Distribution Models , 2006 .

[133]  Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Wealth Condensation , 2006, physics/0601191.

[134]  Sitabhra Sinha Evidence for Power-law tail of the Wealth Distribution in India , 2006 .

[135]  J. B. Rosser,et al.  The Nature and Future of Econophysics , 2006 .

[136]  Money exchange model and a general outlook , 2005, physics/0505115.

[137]  Thomas Lux,et al.  Worrying trends in econophysics , 2006 .

[138]  J. McCauley Response to Worrying Trends in Econophysics , 2006, physics/0606002.

[139]  Anders Johansson,et al.  Econophysics and Sociophysics - Trends and Perspectives , 2006 .

[140]  Bikas K. Chakrabarti,et al.  Kinetic market models with single commodity having price fluctuations , 2006 .

[141]  Philip Ball,et al.  Econophysics: Culture Crash , 2006, Nature.

[142]  Generic features of the wealth distribution in ideal-gas-like markets. , 2006, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

[143]  Erasmo Recami,et al.  L'articolo postumo di Ettore Majorana: il valore delle leggi statistiche nella fisica e nelle scienze sociali , 2006 .

[144]  E. Scalas,et al.  Statistical equilibrium in simple exchange games I , 2006 .

[145]  Bikas K. Chakrabarti,et al.  Econophysics and Sociophysics : Trends and Perspectives , 2006 .

[146]  V. Yakovenko,et al.  A study of the personal income distribution in Australia , 2006, physics/0601176.

[147]  Miguel Molico,et al.  The Distribution of Money and Prices in Search Equilibrium , 2006 .

[148]  Peter Richmond,et al.  A Review of Empirical Studies and Models of Income Distributions in Society , 2006 .

[149]  G. Toscani,et al.  Self-Similarity and Power-Like Tails in Nonconservative Kinetic Models , 2010, 1009.2760.

[150]  Guido Germano,et al.  Influence of saving propensity on the power-law tail of the wealth distribution , 2006 .

[151]  Guido Germano,et al.  Relaxation in statistical many-agent economy models , 2007 .

[152]  Rui Jiang,et al.  A unified framework for the pareto law and Matthew effect using scale-free networks , 2006, physics/0606085.

[153]  S. Solomon,et al.  The Forbes 400, the Pareto power-law and efficient markets , 2007 .

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[155]  Marcel Ausloos,et al.  Model of wealth and goods dynamics in a closed market , 2007 .

[156]  T. Lux Applications of Statistical Physics in Finance and Economics , 2007 .

[157]  Giorgio Kaniadakis,et al.  κ-generalized statistics in personal income distribution , 2007 .

[158]  V. Yakovenko,et al.  Two-class Structure of Income Distribution in the USA: Exponential Bulk and Power-law Tail , 2007 .

[159]  Anthony B. Atkinson,et al.  Top incomes over the twentieth century: A contrast between continental european and english-speaking countries , 2007 .

[160]  Bikas K. Chakrabarti,et al.  Kinetic exchange models for income and wealth distributions , 2007, 0709.1543.

[161]  P. Gade,et al.  Emergence of Power Law in a Market with Mixed Models , 2007, 0902.2065.

[162]  Giuseppe Toscani,et al.  Hydrodynamics from Kinetic Models of Conservative Economies , 2007 .

[163]  Y. C. O'brien Reserve Requirement Systems in OECD Countries , 2007 .

[164]  H. Kleinert,et al.  Boltzmann distribution and market temperature , 2007 .

[165]  P. Bhattacharyya,et al.  A common mode of origin of power laws in models of market and earthquake , 2007 .

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[167]  E. Scalas,et al.  Statistical equilibrium in simple exchange games II. The redistribution game , 2007 .

[168]  Rui Jiang,et al.  Simulating the wealth distribution with a Richest-Following strategy on scale-free network , 2007 .

[169]  Bruce J. West,et al.  Probability distributions in conservative energy exchange models of multiple interacting agents , 2007 .

[170]  E. Scalas,et al.  Statistical equilibrium in simple exchange games I , 2006, physics/0608215.

[171]  A. M. Scarfone,et al.  Where do we stand on econophysics , 2007 .

[172]  Ricardo López-Ruiz,et al.  Geometrical derivation of the Boltzmann factor , 2007, ArXiv.

[173]  D. Stauffer,et al.  Agent-based Models of Financial Markets , 2007, physics/0701140.

[174]  Wataru Souma,et al.  A Two Factor Model of Income Distribution Dynamics , 2007 .

[175]  Conservation "Laws" in Econophysics, and the Non-conservation of Money , 2007 .

[176]  Relaxation in the wealth exchange models , 2008 .

[177]  Eric Smith,et al.  Classical thermodynamics and economic general equilibrium theory , 2008 .

[178]  A. Cottrell,et al.  Probabilistic political economy and endogenous money , 2008 .

[179]  J. McCauley Nonstationarity of efficient finance markets: FX market evolution from stability to instability , 2008 .

[180]  Giuseppe Toscani,et al.  On Steady Distributions of Kinetic Models of Conservative Economies , 2008 .

[181]  Giuseppe Toscani,et al.  Kinetic equations modelling wealth redistribution: a comparison of approaches. , 2008, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

[182]  P. K. Mohanty,et al.  Modeling wealth distribution in growing markets , 2008, 0803.3902.

[183]  J Barkley Rosser,et al.  Debating the role of econophysics. , 2008, Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences.

[184]  Ian Wright,et al.  Implicit Microfoundations for Macroeconomics , 2009 .

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[186]  Victor M. Yakovenko,et al.  Econophysics, Statistical Mechanics Approach to , 2007, Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science.

[187]  Arnab Chatterjee,et al.  Kinetic models for wealth exchange on directed networks , 2009, 0901.2857.