Abstract Due to their feasible geometric complexity, additive layer manufacturing (ALM) processes show a highpotential for the production of lightweight components.Therefore, ALM processes enable the realization of bionic-designedcomponents like honeycombs, which are optimized depending upon load and outer boundary conditions.This optimization is based on a closed-loop, three-steps methodology: At first, each honeycomb is conformed to the surface of the part. Secondly, the structure is optimizedfor lightweight design.It is possible to achieve a homogeneous stress distribution in the part by varying the wall thickness, honeycombdiameter and the amount of honeycombs, depending on the subjected stresses and strains. At last, the functional components like threads or bearing carriers are integrated directly into the honeycomb core.Using all these steps as an iterative process, it is possible to reduce the mass of sandwich components about 50 percent compared to conventional approaches.
David W. Rosen,et al.
Conformal Lattice Structure Design and Fabrication
Auslegung von Gitter- und Wabenstrukturen für die additive Fertigung
Lightweight Design.
David W. Rosen,et al.
Additive Manufacturing Technologies: Rapid Prototyping to Direct Digital Manufacturing
Arbeitsgruppe Softwaretechnik,et al.
Universität-Gesamthochschule Paderborn
G. Reinhart,et al.
Load-Adapted Design of Generative Manufactured Lattice Structures
D. Rosen,et al.
Cellular Structures for Optimal Performance
Frank Henning,et al.
Handbuch Leichtbau: Methoden, Werkstoffe, Fertigung