Taxonomic study in Perovskia Karel. by checking the morphologic, anatomic and phytochemical aspects in Iran

Abstract. Genus Pero vskia , a small and unknown family of Lamiaceaea, grows in the form of herbaceous and shrub. Perovskia has been reported in 3 species and 2 hybrids. Due to the lack of baseline data for the taxonomy of this genus, morphology, anatomy and chemotaxonomy of 13 sample populations in Isfahan, Khorasan and Sistan-Baluchistan were evaluated. In morphological Studies, minor differences were observed in 18 traits between populations, of which heterostyly was the most important differentiation. In terms of anatomy of stem no significant differences were observed between populations. The compound of essence in 4 populations was analyzed and 10 main compounds with the highest percentage in populations were similar. Therefore, based on the observations made, in the present study the adoption of two species of Perovskia instead of three is recommended. Accepted species are the one with larger stamens than style called P. abrotanoides Karel and the one with shorter stamens than the style called P. atriplicifolia Benth..