Bill to upgrade academic research labs aired
Legislation that would help modernize research laboratories at colleges and universities received its first airing recently as the House Subcommittee on Science, Research & Technology heard testimony on the value of the Universities Facilities Revitalization Act (H.R. 2823), introduced in June by Rep. Don Fuqua (D.-Fla.). Those testifying supported the bill, but did suggest a number of changes. The bill provides $470 million in fiscal 1987 to the six largest federal agencies that support research and development. For nine years after this, each of the agencies would be required to reserve 10% of their R&D obligations to universities and colleges for facilities modernization. Further, at least 15% of the set-aside funds would have to go to institutions that receive less federal R&D funding than the top 100 institutions. Total federal spending is estimated to be $5 billion. The universities would have to match any federal funds for modernization with funds from other outside sources. Fuqua ...