Training, motivation and teamwork improvement: The case of construction firms

A powerful human resource development system is a critical strategy for every construction companies, as in the coming years, human capital plays a significant role in order to have a successful organization. Based on a combination of literature research and questionnaire surveys, the study explores the effect of training and motivation in HRD practices on teamwork improvement in construction firms. The research was conducted by sending 50 sets of questionnaires to the nominated contractor firms in Mashhad, Iran. The analysis methods in this research were mainly descriptive and regression analysis and the type of investigation was co-relational study. The research found that the percentage of skilled and unskilled labour in the construction companies, some barriers and solutions of training and motivating workforces and the relationship between training and motivation practices in teamwork improvement. Future research should try to address on how companies can shape the environmental and organizational settings in order to motivate staff and workers for training and development.

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