Investigation of the vibration transmission through a lightweight junction with elastic layer using the finite element method

When the Swedish construction code in 1994 allowed wooden multi-storey buildings, this type of lightweight structures became popular due to low cost and ease of construction. A drawback in those buildings is disturbing vibrations and noise propagating in the construction, especially through the junctions - for example between floor and wall. These structures should not just meet the demands of structural integrity but also the dynamic requirements. Therefore, gaining knowledge about their dynamic behaviour is of crucial importance. To reduce noise and vibration through the junctions, rubber foam materials may be introduced between the walls and the floors and ceilings. Hence, finite element simulations are useful as a prediction tool during the design phase. In this study, the properties of a junction when introducing a rubber foam material - Sylodyn - in between were investigated by means of the finite element method using the commercial software Abaqus. The flanking transmission was specifically analysed. (Less)