We present an example where a distributed coordinated protocol supported by a blockchain-enabled monetary mechanism leads to achieving optimal information theoretic degrees of freedom gains. The considered setting is that of a linear interference network, where cooperative transmission is allowed, but at no cost in terms of the overall backhaul load. In other words, the average number of messages assigned to a transmitter is one. We show that a simple monetary mechanism that consists only of one coin type can enable the achievability of the optimal centralized solution. The proposed greedy distributed algorithm relies on incentivizing the users to share their resources in one channel use, in return of credit they receive for maximizing their rate gains in future channel uses. This example is the first in its class and it opens the door for constructing a unified framework for blockchain-enabled monetary mechanisms for optimal interference management and spectrum sharing.
Ali El Gamal,et al.
Interference channels with coordinated multi-point transmission
Aly El Gamal,et al.
Flexible backhaul design and degrees of freedom for linear interference networks
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory.
Gerhard Fettweis,et al.
Coordinated Multi-Point in Mobile Communications: From Theory to Practice
Aly El Gamal,et al.
Interference Management in Wireless Networks: Fundamental Bounds and the Role of Cooperation
Aaron D. Wyner,et al.
Shannon-theoretic approach to a Gaussian cellular multiple-access channel
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.