Collect and Select: Semantic Alignment Metric Learning for Few-Shot Learning

Few-shot learning aims to learn latent patterns from few training examples and has shown promises in practice. However, directly calculating the distances between the query image and support image in existing methods may cause ambiguity because dominant objects can locate anywhere on images. To address this issue, this paper proposes a Semantic Alignment Metric Learning (SAML) method for few-shot learning that aligns the semantically relevant dominant objects through a ``collect-and-select'' strategy. Specifically, we first calculate a relation matrix (RM) to ``collect" the distances of each local region pairs of the $3$D tensor extracted from a query image and the mean tensor of the support images. Then, the attention technique is adapted to ``select" the semantically relevant pairs and put more weights on them. Afterwards, a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) is utilized to map the reweighted RMs to their corresponding similarity scores. Theoretical analysis demonstrates the generalization ability of SAML and gives a theoretical guarantee. Empirical results demonstrate that semantic alignment is achieved. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets validate the strengths of the proposed approach and demonstrate that SAML significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods. The source code is available at

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