RVM , RVC revisited : Clubs and Lusin sets ∗

A cardinal κ is Cohen measurable (RVC) if for some κ-additive ideal I over κ, P(κ)/I is forcing isomorphic to adding λ Cohen reals for some λ. Such cardinals can be obtained by starting with a measurable cardinal κ and adding at least κ Cohen reals. We construct various models of RVC having different properties than this model. Our main results are: (1) κ = 2א0 is RVC does not decide ♣S for various stationary S ⊆ κ. (2) κ is RVC and κ < λ = cf(λ) < 2א0 does not decide ♣S for various stationary S ⊆ λ. (3) κ = 2א0 is RVC does not decide the existence of a Lusin set of size κ. We also prove analogues of (1), (2) for real valued measurable cardinals.